I just realized that X VS Zero & Cannonball (MMX1+X2+Z3+ZX Style) that I posted last year has reached the 10,000 views mark. I am a little surprised because I never thought that I, an unknown person, could have created something that would be so popular.
Also, because of the reaction to the images, I thought it would be a good idea to explain the world view of those images, so I wrote this article.
This time, I wrote the text on the premise that I would translate it (i.e., use machine translation to translate it into languages other than English), so it is very different from my usual writing.
Please jump from the table of contents function as explanations in English are listed at the bottom.
※This text was translated by DeepL and only the proper nouns have been modified, so the translation may differ from the original meaning.
本作を考えるうえで最も作りたかったコンセプトの一つが「ロックマンエグゼ トランスミッションの続編を作る」といった物になります。そのため、ダメージ計算や属性などといった箇所にロックマンエグゼ・流星のロックマンの影響が見受けられます。
また、本作は作者が「前の時代」と呼ぶ時代と「後の時代」と呼ぶ2つの時間軸で話が構成されています。後ほど説明する照宮電子(英:Terumiya Electronics Company)という会社が創業してすぐの時代と発展した後の時代の2つが話の基準となる時間軸になります。
前の時代に相当する世界が、照宮電子の創業者である松本龍次が生きていた時代で、この頃に物語の主人公のインフィニティと8大ボス(以下ナンバーズ)が製造されました。この頃の話がThe Sealed Swordman "K"になります。ただ、The Sealed Swordman "K"とロックマン Infinityの時代は繋がっていると言えば繋がっているのですが、起こり得る未来のうちの1つという設定であり、解釈次第では別の話から繋げるといった事も許容しています。いわば2つの世界のつながりが不確定なロックマンとロックマンXのような物です。
後の時代に相当する世界が狭義のロックマン Infinityの世界であり、この時代は松本の没後から少なくとも50年以上先の時代という設定です。この頃になると照宮電子も大きく発展し、日本で2番目のロボット会社に成長しており、世界的に見ても影響力が強い会社になっています。
ロックマン・ロックマンXのようにこの2作の間がどれほど開いているかというのは決めていないですが、おおよそで言えばThe Sealed Swordman "K"から100年前後となるかもしれません。ここは現段階で設定が決まっていないため、この数字は今後変わるかもしれません。
本項目は全てロックマン Infinityの物になります。The Sealed Swordman "K"だけにしか出てこないキャラは記載していません。
物語の主人公で、ロックマン Infinityではナンバーズと同じく前の時代に作られた物となります。制作者は創業者の松本で、没後も様々な改良が施されたロボットになります。そのため型落ちと思わせない性能があり、最新型とも引けを取らない高性能な機体となっています。
作中におけるもう一人の主人公で、ロックマン Infinityの時代になってから製造されたロボット。開発総主任は現行の社長の鳳で、インフィニティの設計・ソースコードから派生した機体。最新世代として開発されているため、照宮が持つ最新鋭の技術を詰め込まれています。
ゲームシステムはロックマンエグゼ トランスミッションを拡張した物となり、当時は無かったソウルユニゾン*4や、カウンターといった要素が追加されています。特殊武器の代わりにエグゼのバトルチップ・流星のバトルカード相当のバトルデータという物を扱い、更にボスを倒す事でそのボスのソウルユニゾンが利用可能となるといった具合です。
ロックマン Infinityにおけるラスボスで、制作時期はネクサスより少し前*5のロボットになります。制作会社はアメリカのメガ・ワークス・カンパニーで、照宮から盗んだインフィニティの設計・ソースコードから独自に派生した機体となっています。そのため、ネクサスとはある種の兄弟のような機体になります。時空を超えた戦いで出ていた黒い機体がリーパーになります。赤い機体はThe Sealed Swordman "K"におけるラスボスのアルファですが、今回は説明を省きます。
松本 龍次(まつもと りゅうじ)
The Sealed Swordman "K"時代には青年といったキャラで、ロックマン Infinityの時代では既に死去している。その代わり、自身の持つ大量の知識と技術を総動員して残したデータ化した記憶と、後の世代が細々と開発してきた技術によりAIとしてロックマン Infinity時代の照宮で勤務しています。
鳳 風大(おおとり ふうた)
ロックマン InfinityではネクサスのAI開発を主に担当しており、そのAIは作中で最も人間に近いAIと評価されている。AI開発技術は非常に高く、AI開発におけるエキスパートは誰かと言われたら名前が挙げられる事が多い人。
トーマス・マクドナルド(Thomas McDonald)
公式英称はTerumiya Electronics Company、公式略称はT.E.C.
大阪の日本橋に本社を構えるロボットメーカーで、ロックマン Infinityの時代まで行くといくつかの企業を買収合併した結果コンピュータ事業・家電事業も行っている。日本企業としては珍しく、新規技術を早期投入する傾向にある。ただし従来の日本企業らしく質実剛健な機種も存在し、そちらは業務用などで多く用いられている。傾向としては新規技術の早期投入により他社と差を付ける欧州に近い手法が多い。
Mega Works Company
公式日本語名称:メガ・ワークス・カンパニー 略称はM.W.C.
アメリカのサンフランシスコ州に本社を構えるロボットメーカーで、The Sealed Swordman "K"の時代には既にあった会社。作中世界では最大のロボットメーカーであり、アメリカのロボット産業を支えている。
元々本作はロックマンの二次創作という形で始まっており、本作の二次創作自体はCC BY-NC-SAに近い独自ライセンスの下で許可しています。本ライセンスを守る場合、二次創作は特に禁止する事はありません。
What is Mega Man Infinity?
Although this title bears the name “Mega Man,” it is an original work that does not feature any characters from the original series except for the game system.
The concept of the game system is “to implement the elements of the entire series in a single side-scrolling action game”, and the aim is to create a system that has no problems even if all previous Mega Man games are released.
This concept is reflected in the different game systems for the main character (and the final boss), so that even the same story can be played in different ways depending on the character.
One of the most important concepts we wanted to create was a sequel to “Mega Man Network Transmission". Therefore, the influence of Mega Man Battle Network and Mega Man Star Force can be seen in areas such as damage calculation and attributes.
World view
This work assumes a world that is an extension of reality, and the story takes place in the late 2100s and beyond. Therefore, the names of the real world appear in places. For example, the kernel part of the main character runs on the Linux kernel. The Linux kernel is the reason why each character's executable is in .ELF format.
The story of this work is structured on two time axes, one called the “before era” by the author and the other called the “after era. The two time periods that form the basis of the story are the period immediately after the establishment of the company Terumiya Electronics Company (ja:照宮電子株式会社), which will be explained later, and the period after the company's development.
The world corresponding to the previous era is the era in which Ryuji Matsumoto, the founder of Terumiya Electronics Company, was alive, and it was during this time that Infinity, the main character of the story, and the eight major bosses (hereinafter referred to as “Numbers”) were manufactured. The story of this period is The Sealed Swordman “K”. The Sealed Swordman “K” and the era of Mega Man Infinity are connected, but it is only one of the possible futures, and depending on the interpretation, it is possible to connect them from different stories. It is like Mega Man and Mega Man X, where the connection between the two worlds is indeterminate.
The world that corresponds to the later era is the world of Mega Man Infinity in the narrow sense, and this era is set at least 50 years after Matsumoto's death. By this time, Terumiya Electronics Company has grown significantly, becoming the second largest robotics company in Japan and one of the most influential in the world.
We have not yet decided how much time has passed between the two films as in the case of Mega Man and Mega Man X, but roughly speaking, it could be around 100 years after The Sealed Swordman “K”. This number may change in the future, as the setting has not been determined at this stage.
The world of the story is not mainly robots like in the Mega Man X series, nor is it mainly a network like in Mega Man Battle Network, but a combination of the two. The robots are building a huge network with each other, and the humans are benefiting from it. The network is more complex, combining not only the conventional client-server system but also the P2P system.
Therefore, robots are controlled via the network, and it is now possible to hijack robots by exploiting vulnerabilities in the network. Naturally, engineers are also trying to eliminate vulnerabilities, but the fact that the attacker basically has the advantage is not so different from reality.
The reason why Numbers is under the control of the enemy is that they are using a bug in the system to hijack the control system.
Game system
The overall controls are inherited from the Mega Man Zero and ZX series. The goal is to achieve a high level of controllability by inheriting the 3D movements of wall kicks and dashes, and the fact that there is almost no lag between the input and the character's movement.
The game will be a 2D side-scroller with 3D models, similar to Mega Man 11 and Mega Man X8, and will also be able to use the 3D models to do other things. The polygonal resolution is intended to be PS2 level, so that the game can be played comfortably on older PCs *6.
The aforementioned different systems for each character are all different, except for the damage calculation, so you can play three games in one. The game system for each character is described in the character description section.
Damage calculations are based on those of Mega Man Battle Network and Mega Man Star Force, with the common feature that damage is doubled at weak points. As an additional specification, attacks with resistant Elements (opposite to the weak point) will do half damage. Elements are based on MMBN6, with four Elements and four Types: Fire, Aqua, Elec, Wood, Sword, Break, Cursor, and Wind. 8 bosses correspond to each Elements and Type. The 8 bosses correspond to each of these Elements and Types.
In addition, each character has an enhanced form called Advanced Form *7, which has the ability to be greatly enhanced only once per stage and for a limited time. Since the designs of all the characters have not yet been finalized, there are currently no pictures of the Me Advanced Form.
Main characters
All items in this section are from Mega Man Infinity; characters that appear only in The Sealed Swordman “K” are not listed.
It is the protagonist of the story, and like Numbers in Mega Man Infinity, it was created in a previous era. The creator was Matsumoto, the founder of the company, and even after his death, various improvements were made to the robot. It is a high-performance machine that is as good as the latest models.
It is also the only combat-use robot that Matsumoto has made *8, and it is highly scalable to handle various warfare situations. This makes it possible to use special weapons of the enemy, such as Mega Man. Also, by installing additional functional components, it is possible to do things like X's armor.
The game system is based on the one used in Mega Man to Mega Man Zero, where the player defeats enemies and acquires special weapons to conquer them. In addition, by installing chips that can be obtained along the way, X can be equipped with additional functions, such as wearing armor.
The Advanced Form is the Ultimate Form, which is the form in which the main focus is on enhancing special weapons.
Another main character in the work, this robot was manufactured after the era of Mega Man Infinity. The general manager of development is the current president, Otori, and the machine is derived from Infinity's design and source code. Developed as the latest generation, it is packed with Terumiya's state-of-the-art technology.
This is also a very rare combat robot made by Terumiya, and like Infinity, it has high combat capability. Its expandability is comparable to that of Infinity, and as long as the standards match, it can be equipped with a variety of armaments. The Nexus also has the ability to deploy armor from installed data as its most distinctive feature.
The game system is an extension of Mega Man Network Transmission, with the addition of elements such as Double Soul *9 and counters, which were not available at the time. Instead of special weapons, the new form handles Battle Data equivalent to MMBN's Battle Chip and MMSF's Battle Card, and by defeating a boss, you can use that boss's Double Soul.
The advanced form is the Joker form, which is mainly used to enhance Battle Datas.
This is the last boss in Mega Man Infinity, and was created a little before *10 the Nexus. The production company is Mega Works Company of the U.S., and it was originally derived from the design and source code of Infinity, which was stolen from Terumiya. The black one from X VS Zero & Cannonball is Reaper. The red one is the Alpha, the last boss in The Sealed Swordman “K”, but I will not explain it this time.
Reaper was developed as the flagship combat robot in Mega, but it is not a mass-produced model but a one-off machine. Because it is an older version of the Infinity from which it is derived, it incorporates many unique features, and although it is based on the same base, it is completely different from the Infinity and Nexus.
The highly tuned AI can use almost all hand-held weapons that humans can handle, and if the buster standard matches, a variety of busters can be used, achieving a high level of versatility that is like combining X and Zero. Reaper's basic armament is a scythe, as its name suggests, but it can also handle firearms and swords. Its motors are also highly efficient, enabling it to suppress the recoil of large-caliber guns such as the Barrett M82 by shooting from the hip.
The advanced form is the Ace form, which greatly enhances mobility. In this form, it is equipped with huge wings like those of the Falzer Beast and Black Ace, allowing it to fly at high speed through the air.
Ryuji Matsumoto (ja:松本 龍次)
Founder of Terumiya Electronics. He has a PhD in Information Technology and is extremely knowledgeable and skilled with machines. His knowledge and skills are among the best in the world, and he has a deep understanding of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, communication engineering, and electronic engineering in addition to programming. On the other hand, he is not very knowledgeable in fields other than engineering, and relies heavily on others when it comes to management.
He was a young man in the days of The Sealed Swordman “K” and had already died by the time of Mega Man Infinity. Instead, he is working at Terumiya in the era of Mega Man Infinity as an AI based on his memories of the data he left behind by mobilizing his vast knowledge and technology, and the technology that later generations have developed in detail.
He usually wears a lab coat over his work clothes, indicating that he is an engineer and mechanic.
Futa Otori (ja:鳳 風大)
He is the current president of Terumiya Electronics. Like Matsumoto, he has a doctorate in information engineering, majoring in AI development. He is not a person who can do everything as well as Matsumoto, and his main job is AI development, but he studied business administration when he became president. Therefore, he does not need the help of others to run his company as much as Matsumoto does. Although he has the appearance of a woman, he is a man.
He is in charge of AI development for Nexus in Mega Man Infinity, and his AI is regarded as the most human-like AI in the game.
He is also an engineer, and perhaps influenced by Matsumoto, he often wears a lab coat over his navy blue suit. However, when he appears at casual occasions such as product presentations, he usually takes off his lab coat.
Thomas McDonald
President of Mega Works Company. He is not an engineer, but a business manager with a major in business administration. He boasts a high degree of charisma and management skills, and leads Mega Works Company, which is called the largest robot manufacturer in the work.
However, he is losing the development competition with Terumiya in some parts of the work, and there are glimpses of emotional instability in him. He is a knowledgeable and rational person who often thinks about what he should do to make profits as a company and how he should cover his insecurities. Although he himself is not capable of developing robots, he has excellent subordinates, and they support the technology of Mega Corporation.
He is characterized by his intimidating appearance due to his bangs that cover one eye and his all-black suit. Although he is American, he has black hair like a Japanese.
Companies in the Works
Terumiya Electronics Company (ja:照宮電子株式会社)
The official abbreviation is T.E.C.
A robot manufacturer headquartered in Nipponbashi, Osaka, Japan, it is also in the computer and consumer electronics business as a result of acquisitions and mergers of several companies going back to the time of Mega Man Infinity. Unusually for a Japanese company, they tend to introduce new technologies early. However, as is typical for a traditional Japanese company, there are also models that are robust and qualitative, and these are widely used for business purposes. The trend is to introduce new technologies at an early stage to differentiate themselves from competitors, similar to the approach used in Europe.
Originally, the Murakami Group was engaged in the robotics business, but it was merged with a company that was engaged in the home appliance business, and has continued to this day.
Mega Works Company
Official Japanese Name: メガ・ワークス・カンパニー The official abbreviation is M.W.C.
A robot manufacturer headquartered in San Francisco, U.S.A., the company was already in existence during the time of The Sealed Swordman “K”. It is the largest robot manufacturer in the world of the work and supports the U.S. robot industry.
This company tends not to make major changes in basic design, and many of its products are designed to be compatible with older products. For this reason, the company is strong in applications where robots are used for long periods of time, and it also receives offers for military applications due to the fact that maintenance methods and the sense of operation do not change much.
When the company was founded, it was a small company in Silicon Valley, but now it boasts high technology through acquisitions of companies such as the Boston Dynamics affiliate.
In the year 22XX, Japan's Terumiya Electronics was enjoying solid growth in the world. However, there was one company that did not like the growth. They secretly extracted Terumiya's confidential information and hacked the eight robots used as the face of the company, causing them to run amok.
In order to stop the eight robots from running amok, the company executives decided to activate one of the robots that had been sealed up in the basement of the headquarters. The robot that awoke from its long sleep was "Infinity", a robot created by the company's founder. Infinity, along with the newly developed Nexus, is now in control of the robots that have suddenly gone berserk, and is determined to get to the source of the disturbance.
The employees of Terumiya had no way of knowing why eight robots were suddenly hacked, who did the hacking, or what was the purpose of the disturbance.
Infinity was sealed by the founder because he wanted to prepare for the worst. He has never awakened since it was sealed, but the “worst” happened when eight of the Numbers, one of the most powerful robots in the company, were hijacked and used to harm various things. In order to quell the situation, Infinity is unsealed, and two members of Nexus, which was created based on Infinity, begin a mission to stop Numbers.
For starters, they take down a robot that was rampaging just outside Terumiya's headquarters, but a mysterious black robot seemed to be in command there. When the two tried to confirm the details, the black robot quickly fled.
Some of the employees had suggested that the black robot should be investigated, but the situation was urgent, so the two were assigned the mission of subduing Numbers for the time being.
After defeating Numbers and analyzing the information, they discovered a surprising fact. It was revealed that the Mega Works Company of the U.S. had been hacking into the system. Although they did not know why they were targeting Terumiya, Infinity and Nexus decided to go to the Mega Works Company's headquarters in the U.S. to stop them. But the headquarters was already empty. Not even a security guard was inside that huge building. Upon further investigation, they discovered that the company had built a large fortress in the suburbs of Nevada and secretly relocated its headquarters there. The Mega Works Company had succeeded in completely relocating its headquarters just before Terumiya arrived at the headquarters.
The Nevada fortress was camouflaged so that it did not appear to be a fortress at first glance, but inside it was completely built for enemy invasion. The two men pushed forward through the fortress, but to their surprise, a copy of Numbers was waiting for them on the road. Although they were not the originals, they had the same capabilities as the originals, so they were required to defeat all the Numbers again in a short time.
After passing through numerous defense devices, they finally arrived at the center. There they found Thomas, the president of Mega Works Company, and the mysterious black robot they had first seen. The president tells them about the black robot. It was Reaper, a combat robot that had stolen Infinity's design and derived it independently. Reaper attacked Terumiya as a last trump card to win the battle.
After a desperate struggle, the two finally render Reaper inoperable. Thomas collapses, thinking that he has run out of tricks. Thomas admits defeat and is arrested by the police.
However, by the time he was arrested, the reaper was already gone. He was supposed to have been disabled, but he had escaped from the scene by some means. The masterless robot wanders the desert, evading the eyes of the police, and begins to flee in search of the company's restoration of power once again.
About the sequel
The story of this work can be made into a sequel, and the story begins when Infinity and Nexus, searching for the missing Reaper, find and secure Reaper in the American desert. In the story, the Mega Works Company has been bought out by Terumiya, and the new owner is President Otori, so the robot Reaper acts as a robot belonging to Terumiya.
However, the boss and the antagonist organization for the sequel have not been set up yet, so nothing has been decided on how the sequel will be made at this stage.
About the secondary production of this work
Originally, this work began as a derivative work of Mega Man, and the derivative work itself is permitted under its own license, which is similar to CC BY-NC-SA. When adhering to this license, there is no specific prohibition against derivative works.
Development cooperation for this work
The worldview of this work was originally created for a video game, and it was decided from the beginning that a game would be created that would be influenced by Mega Man. However, the scale of the project and the time and technology required to complete it on my own would not be worth the effort, and I might even lose my enthusiasm by the time it was completed. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could assist me in some way in the development of this work.
My work uses a lot of Japanese, including Internet slang and dialect, so it is difficult to judge without understanding them, but I have members on the Discord server I manage who can help me to some extent, so I am willing to work on the work with their help.
I am planning to work on this project with the help of the members who are able to participate.
However, as a rule of participation, it is necessary to say that you have read the blog.
I think I have probably written down all the important parts, but I will probably add more if there is anything else. I will respond to comments, but there may be parts that do not make sense due to the fact that I will be using a translation site for non-Japanese.
*1:具体的に言えばGTX 550 Tiで60FPSを出せる程度
*6:specifically, 60 FPS on a GTX 550 Ti
*7:equivalent to the Beast Out of MMBN6 or the Finalization of MMSF3
*8:although there was a security version, there was no military-level design from the beginning except for Infinity
*9:the game is called Double Soul, but it is half Cross system and half Noise change
*10:a few years